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23 11:05:49

What kind of fish is cheap easy to care for and can live in a fish bowl?I also want it to be fine in the heat/cold weather.

Michelle ,     The easiest fish to keep in a fish bowl would be a Betta. They are very easy to keep, can take total breakdown of tank every so often and returned no problem. Just make sure the water is dechlorinated and about the same temp you have her sitting in while your cleaning bowl. When you are done net him out and put him back. The only thing is this fish is carniverous and I always recommend frozen blood worms. There are freeze dried but they don't have the same nutritional value. So get a small pack not cubes and dip it in and shake like two off and maybe one more at a time so you can get used to how much he eats you don't want any of the food rotting on the bottom. Mine eats about three twice a day. I don't know why they call them goldfish bowls they can not be put in bowls they grow to big to fast and toooo dirty ..So pick out a beautiful one and good luck. If you have anymore questions just ask. , Tina