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about my fish

23 14:02:37

hello i set up my new tank on monday and brought 4 new little tropical fish yesturday and now 3 of them have died and i dont know why the tep says its 27 and my fillter is working fine and the heater is to.the water in the tank is not that clear.i dont have a pump coz when i ask the pet shop lady what i need and all she said i needed was a heater,the filter can with my tank,i hope u can help me thank you charrise

Hello Charrise!

Your tank is uncycled. All fish will die in an uncycled tank.
I never trust the pet store employees. Many of them are right, but some of them have no idea. See, the big chains will just hire someone because they know about dogs, or can work a register, but then put them to work in the fish section. They move the employees all around, so you rarely get anybody that actually applied to work with fish.

Take a look at this link, just copy and paste into your browser (ignore the part about fishless cycling)
