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goldfish swim bladder problems

23 15:10:15


In a few weeks I'm starting my 1st goldfish aquarium and I've just started buying supplies. I did some research on the internet on foods and a certain website said "don't feed flakes because as the goldfish eat them, they gulp air which results in too much air in the swim bladder causing swim bladder disease."

Is this true?

Hi Prue;

I am so glad to see someone doing research BEFORE getting the fish! It's so much easier on you and the fish.

It is true that sinking pellets and other sinking foods are best for goldfish. They really are little gluttons and just eat floating food too fast. This gets air in their digestive system and they have problems.

Along with a basic sinking pellet, feed green food like peas, chopped spinach, romaine lettuce 3 or 4 times a week. It helps things "move along" so to speak.

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Chris Robbins

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