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23 11:02:16

My fishs name is hermie I just got him about a month ago. I have 2 other bettas ,he is also a betta but he is in a different tank than the other two. science the beginning I've been giving him fish pellets but he kept throwing them up so I changed to flakes scince then he's been eating them ,but this morning I fed him the fish flakes and he kept throwing them up. Yesterday I fed him the fish pellets and he didn't throw them up so this morning when he threw up his flakes I thought maybe he wants the pellets. So I gave him one pellet and he threw it up but what I noticed was he kept wanting to eat, but he kept throwing his food up.


 He is just a picky eater. With the pellets, you can try soaking them for awhile so they are softer for him. The flakes are really not the best food to be giving him. He can go for 14 days without eating. When he gets hungry enough he will eat. You can also try him on frozen blood worms or brine shrimp. He should really go after them. Also, make sure that two males are not together in the same tank, nor should you have a male and a female in the same tank.