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Fighting guppies

23 11:07:00


I just recently got a tank of fancy male guppies for the first time. The tank is 1 1\2 gallon and has a rock bottom and a few small fake plants. I feed them "Tropical Fish Flake Food."

My problem is that i can't get my guppies to stop fighting. I started with only three guppies but it seemed like two of them where always teaming up on one. So i looked up some information on the subject and read that if you dont have enough guppies in your tank then they do fight and that you need to have at least 5 or 6. Or its because there all male and need to have a female with them. However I dont want to have fry so I just went out and bought two more guppies to try to even things out. After adding the new guppies things were good for a day, but then they started to fight again and I dont want to add anymore guppies because I dont want the tank to become over crowed. I'm not sure what to do and I cant find any information on my own. Also since I'm new to the guppy world any other useful tips or tricks you want let me on will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much,


 The reason you are having problems is the tank size. Guppies are very active fish and need a lot of room to swim. I would have that many guppies in nothing smaller than a 10 gallon tank. Make sure there is a filter and a heater. Keep the water clean with weekly water changes of 25%. The first thing I would do is upgrade the tank to give them more room.