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Beta Fish SOS

23 14:57:34

My beta fish jumped out of the water without my partner or I realising. When we found it, it had lint from the carpet on it. We're not sure how long it had been out of water but once we put it back in, it started breathing again. We've changed the water several times, put it in a smaller(less deep) bowl and put Multicure (a water treatment for white spot, velvet diseas and fungal disease) in its water, on top of the usual AquaPlus. But it is still breathing very quickly and seems to be unable to control its bouyancy. It spends most of it's time on its side in the water and we are constanly checking on it to try and put it up right again. Is there anything we can do to save our fish? It's been like this for 2 days now and we'd like to do everything we can to save it! Thank you!  

Hi ML;

Poor guy. Accidents happen sometimes. You've certainly done everything you can to help him. It really is just a waiting game. Stress like that can cause internal damage. Sometimes they heal quite well, but sometimes not. Keep doing water changes and using the medicine. You're doing just fine. I hope he gets better soon.............

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins