Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Old age or sick beta?

Old age or sick beta?

23 15:08:43

I have a beta that a friend gave me just over a year ago. I do not know how long my friend owned him, but I believe it was over a year at least. I keep my beta in the small hexagonal bowl in which he was given to me. Over the summer I left my beta in the care of a friend who reported that my beta was "acting old". I now have him back and agree. He looks normal, but just sits on the bottom of the tank and then struggles to the top to eat or breathe and then rests on the bottom. He just seems very tired. Is he just old and getting ready to die or should I be treating him for something? I use spring water in his bowl and change it weekly. I believe my fish sitter did the same. (they own other betas)  

Hi Jesse;

Poor fella sounds like he is old, as you said. They live to be anywhere from 2 to 3 usually. They are about a year old when we buy them so he could be about 3 or older. You've done a great job taking care of him all this time. Keep his water level lower so he doesn't have to struggle so hard to get air from the top. Keep him in as warm a place a possible. This will keep him more comfy in the "sunset of his life".

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