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Betta has a bent spine.

23 11:22:40

My betta decided to make a leap of freedom today. His spine seems a little bent sideways, and he can't swim normal anymore, he swims like he's drunk, first sideways, then he floats a bit, then he sinks to the bottom, he lies there until I tap the glass, then he starts swimming sideways again. Please help, I can't stand to see him suffer this way, he's like my little best friend. Is he going to die? What can I do for him?

Bettas suffer from many deformities. I rescued on that had a similar condition about a year ago, and he's still alive. Many people have told me it's more humane to put him down, but I couldn't do it unless the fish was obviously in extreme pain. Basically, It's a genetic problem, that doesn't kill the fish, but its simply an ethics question when deciding what to do about it. Sorry I cannot be more helpful, I understand how painful t can be to look at a fish like this, especially when you have developed a connection with it.