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treating new tank syndrome-- move fish out?

23 11:25:45

Hello! I have done a lot of online research for two days and haven't been able to find a specific reference as to whether or not it is a good idea to move an endangered fish out of a New Tank Syndrome situation back into a freshwater bowl until the new tank can be properly cycled. I have a betta who displays 'classic' NTS.  I really dont want to keep putting him thru it unless the water changes will absolutely help in preventing him from dying. I put in Tetra safestart and Live plants, but the water has become cloudy and he is listless/no appetite. I am using a submersible Fluval 1 filter, and my intuition tells me it is insufficient. I want to get a HOB 3 stage filter today, but I also dont know if it's a bad idea to change out filters in a new tank while its still cycling. I don't want to shock him by moving him, but I also want to change this situation asap! Also, do i add in the things like Amquel while he is in the tank, or is that dangerous? Thanks SO MUCH for your time!

Hi Crystal,
  When you start up a fish tank it takes a while (about 6 weeks to be exact) for the tank to balance out. During that time, the various levels of bacteria are building up to their stable levels.  You need a fish in there to make this process work.  The fish feces are what the bacteria feed upon. No fish, no bacteria.  Feed lightly during this period and do regular weekly 25% water changes.

 The size of the filter needs to match the size of the tank.  A Fluval 1 is pretty small.  I use Fluval 2+'s on tanks up to about 15 gallons or so.  You didn't say what size of tank you have. The best way to change filters is to run both for about a week, then take out the old one.

 You should add Amquel to the water BEFORE you put it in the tank, not to the tank.  

-- Ron C.
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