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fish flipping upside down HELP!!!

23 15:06:06

Hi Chris:

My fish is getting worse! Now it is flipping upside down ALL the time. It will stay flipped and floats on top of the surface for a long time. It also looks like it's having hard time to swim to the bottom. Help! What should i do? How do i get rid of the gas in its belly?


Followup To
Question -
Hi Chris,

I already feed it sinking pellets. The other two fish already got used to it. But this one, even when there's no one near the tank, he keeps gobbling the surface water, trying to 'eat' air and making bubbles. He does this extremely even more when i walk near the tank. I'm thinking if he's got swim bladder disease. Do you think so? If so, how do i treat it? Does it need to be isolated? Does it need fasting?


Followup To
Question -
Hi Chris:

From the question, you might already know what my problem is. I have a medium size red-cap gold fish. It ALWAYS immediately flips upside down after feeding. After around 15 minutes of struggling, it usually returns to its normal stage. It looks very struggling and painful after it eats. I tried feeding it peas, but it doesnt seem to improve. Do you know what the problem is?

My tank is 10Gallon, with filtre running and temp at 72-3. My two other fish don't seem to have the same problem. Please help.


Answer -
Hi Cecil;

He may be swallowing too much air as he eats. Try soaking his food for a couple of minutes or swtiching to a pellet that sinks. It may take him a few feedings to get the idea that it isn't at the top anymore, but he will.

Goldfish have a unique digestive system and are natural born gluttons so they are quite prone to these problems. Some have the floating problem and others don't.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!          

Answer -
Hi Cecil;

Swim bladder disease will cause him to sink to the bottom. Floating belly-up means gas in the belly.

It is possible he is not getting enough oxygen. A 10 gallon is pretty small for 3 goldfish. If he is larger than the others he needs more oxygen than they do. Try isolating him to another tank with extra air. If that doesn't help he may have a gill problem that is not allowing him enough oxygen absorbtion. It could be genetic, parasitic or even bacteria or fungus.

Followups Welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Cecil;

Isolate him to another tank with plenty of oxygen. Keep the lights off and don't feed him for two days. This will help him rest and help his digestive system recover.

Give him a tiny grain of epsom salt in a bit of green pea, but only once. Just feed plain peas from then on. If he is constipated it should help him "go" more normally. If you have ever seen your goldfish with a long string of poo trailing behind him this means he is constipated. The peas and epsom will help that.

Let me know how thing are going after you have tried those things.....

Followups welcome

Chris Robbins