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beta fish and compatibility with other fishes

23 14:24:50

I love beta fish and i have a female beta, i have a 25 gallon tank. i have a charcoal filter and gravel and few plastic plants and i also use water conditioner. i change water every other week .i do not want to buy a question is what other fishes can i add in it which do not require a heater.i love angel fish, fantails,zebra danios,black phantoms.can i add them in there?and 2nd question is can i put more than one male betas in my tank as i think i have enough hidding places if they get into a fight.

Hi Naaz;

Actually, your female betta is tropical fish that needs a water temperature of at least 76f all the time. In order to breed they need about 80f to 85f. Many people keep them in small tanks with no heater but they often have a light that keeps them warm or are kept in a warm spot. Or, the fish don't do very well. It's best to have a heater to keep the temperature from fluctuating. Fluctuations can make fish sick.

A male has to be alone in even a very large tank. They will find each other and fight no matter how many hiding places you have. One or both could be seriously injured and die. Your female betta can have other female bettas in her tank with her, but a male should not be with your female all the time. They should be together only when actually spwaning and then the female should be removed. Once the male breeds with a female he will try to kill her and the rest of the fish to get them away from his nest with eggs and babies. The male is the caregiver so all other fish, including the mother, are seen as a threat. Just not very friendly little daddies!

Bettas and fantails are really not compatible. A fantail is simply a cold water fancy goldfish. The goldfish could be picked on by the betta or if the goldfish is big enough it could actually eat your betta. Yikes! Goldfish are best in a species tank with other goldfish. They get HUGE, about 8 inches long or larger.

Zebra danios and black phantoms are okay, just get groups of three or more of each so they distribute their hyperactive behavior between their own kind instead of harrassing the others. You might be able to keep an angel fish in there. Just watch out that the phantoms don't pick on the angel's fins. They can be good at it. Angels get very large (4 to 6 inches long) so you don't want more than one, maybe two in a 25. They need a tall tank to enable their fins to grow tall and long without eroding or rotting.

You might want to do more research on fish species, their care and their compatibility on your own. There are lots of really cool fish out there! Here are links to profiles on the fish you already like, and you can look at other species on the same site;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins