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Sick Betta, Help ASAP Death pending.....

23 15:07:59

I just recently bought a new betta,  got home set up his home,  left for Thanksgiving at my Grandma's.  Now that we are home the water is cloudy and he has a "white"  fungus looking slime coming out of his gills and on his underbelly.  What is it and how can we cure him?  He isn't swimming much and isn't eating...  Help!!

Hi Michelle;

From the sound of it I am probably too late in answering your question. It is hard for us to get to emergencies in time I'm afraid. We are given up to 4 days to answer each question. So sorry about that. If he is still alive......

He has what I call "Betta Fungus". It is common in the winter time when temperatures are too cool. Bettas need to be at 78 degrees or warmer all the time. If he's still alive, slowly warm him up to 85 degrees by putting a lamp close to his tank. These funguses hate heat, but bettas love heat. Add a medication for fungus such as BettaMax or Fungus Cure. Hopefully he will feel better but it is a very fast spreading disease once it takes hold.

Chris Robbins