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Fish Breed?

23 15:05:59

Hey Chris,

My roommate got me a Fantail goldfish last week, and I'm not sure that is what it is. According to the reserch that I've done, A Fantail is suposed to have double tail, and my fish doesn't. It had the body of a fantail, just not the tail. I was curious if you had any ideas of what it is. Thanks in advance.


Hi Crystal;

Fantailed goldfish are all descended from the original type, they are just selectively bred to have the double tail and body shape they are known for. Sometimes you get throwbacks to the original tail but still with the chubby body. He is actually a very lucky little fish to have made it to your house! Normally, fish like him would be culled out because they don't meet the "standard". A few make it however, as I have made pets of them myself. I don't know that there is an official name for them, but I'm sure he will make a great pet nevertheless. Have fun with your "Non-Fantailed Fantail"!

Here are some websites on goldfish care in case you need to know more about them;

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Chris Robbins

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