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starter fish

23 14:49:10

My children want an aquarium, mostly a 'Nemo and Dory', but I am not interested in that big of an investment at their age. Is their an alturnative to saltwater fish that would make a great starter tank for them?  

Goldfish are always a best bet. They are really quite tough, don't require a heater, are very cute and active.

There are still lots of things to do to keep them happy like properly changing some water weekly, vacuuming the bottom, cleaning algae off the glass and stuff like that, but the care is about 20 times easier than keeping Clown Anemone fish in salt water.

Don't get a tank that's too small (maybe 15 gallons as a minimum). Glass is easier to work with than plastic.

Good Luck Traci!

Chris Bushman
North Hollywood, California