Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > sick fish?

sick fish?

23 14:12:06

QUESTION: Bought 3 african cilchlids saturday...  one died tues.  It was floating around the tank the day before with gills still moving.  Bought a replacement to save my 7 year olds emotions, on Tues.  Today (Thurs) it is doing the same floating upside down bit.
What do I do?  why is this happening?

  Please describe the situation a little more, e.g., what size tank; how long has it been set up, etc.
  Also, are all the fish the same size?  How are the other two acting?

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 2.5 gal. tank  have had less than week.  other 2 are pefectly fine.  all same size.
its barely hanging on...

Hi S.,
  If you put 3 African cichlids in a 2.5 gallon tank, that is likely your problem right there -- one of them likely killed the other and will likely kill the third.  Many fish, including cichlids, are territorial and they need a certain amount of space to call their own.  Three such fish in a very small tank is just too crowded.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>