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Bulging eye

23 14:13:26

Hello, i have had this fish tank for about two years now, so far no major problems, i recently moved and sience i have bought a few new fish. two of which were black mollys, one died almost immediatly but the other has lasted about one month until today when i looked and saw it had a bulging eye. i do not know what to make of this, the fish is swimming fine besides his enormus eye. what is it?

Hello Shannon-

What you are seeing is most likely a disease called "Pop Eye." It is also distressing that your first fish died so quickly, and that the second is sick only a month after coming to live in your tank. You need to take a water sample to PetsMart as soon as possible to get the water tested. They can help explain the results to you and tell you what to do. Also, this article may help:

Getting your water cleaned up will help the fish recover from Pop Eye and will allow you to add more fish without them dying.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman