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Gold Molly Fish Black Eyes?

23 11:01:01


I've had my tank of 4 mollies and 2 platies for about 6 months now, however every maybe 6 weeks a single molly fish dies (yet never the platies), and it seems to be from unknown circumstances. I clean my tank regularly, feed them according to the directions the manager at the pet store gave me, and make sure I change the water regularly. what may be causing the deaths, if it happens occasionally and not at once? (I'm left with 1 molly and 2 platies now)

Also, I found my earlier healthy golden molly to be floating around the tank vertically, fins extended but not breathing, and it's eyes had gone black. What could have caused this? I want to try and ensure my tank is fit for them, as I was sure it was.

Hope you can help,


Hi Danielle,
  Given that it sounds like you are doing a good job with the water conditions, the most likely culprit is that one of the remaining fish is attacking the others.  Are there any other potential signs of violence, e.g., torn fins or perhaps a missing scale or two?

-- Ron C.
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