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Cory Catfish

23 11:07:51

Without a Albino Cory catfish is it likely that the red wags will die?
Bye 4 now!

ANSWER: No, they will be fine! :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If Cory dies then is it safe to add 2 more platies?
If I get 2 more red wags does it increase the chance of babies or are the chances the same if I get a different kind of platy?

ANSWER: If you add two more platys you have no room for them.  You can add a cory because it cleans the bottom.  Other than that, the tank is too little for more fish.

I wish you had a bigger tank.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I wish I had a bigger tank too! My friend does. Hers is 80 gallons. It has lots of yellow moon platies and 2 plecos and 3 tiger loaches. And snails and stuff. She has had that tank for a long time and some of the adult fish are dieing of old age. She offered me a young yellow moon. I told her thanks and I'd think about it. My mom says she doesn't mind but I wanted to ask you.

Is it OK to add a yellow moon with the 2 red wags and Cory?
Would it increase chances of breeding?
Is it dangerous?

Well, here is the only issue I can see.  The problem in the past was the filtration was not supporting four fishes.

I suggest this:  Take it home.  Try it out.  If the water gets cloudy or the fish go to the top to breathe, take it back to your friend and just simply explain it's not working out.  :)

It may not be okay.  My initial thought is it's going to really overtax your filter.  The tank is simply too small for that many fish, but you can't for sure know til you try.

It would increase chances of breeding to have another.

It is dangerous.