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red Jewel Cichlid

23 11:32:39


I have a problem with two of my red jewels. They were fine and over the last 2 days some thing has happend to them. They just stay at the bottem of the tank and dont move much they dont eat at all. The breathing seems to be heavy the eyes look fine one of the jewels has sort of black patches on it head and along the top of the fish. what can this be? My other Cichlid seem fine waters been tested daily and theres no problem. I carried out water change a few days ago 30%. will my other Cichlids be affected? what should i do???

Please help

Hi Hassan,
I would think that the dark patches are due to your water chemistry.  Check you ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate level.  Your ammonia level must be zero, your nitrite level must be zero, and your nitrates should be low.  Dark patches happen when the water chemistry is not right.  Ammonia causes burns on fish, and will cause death if you do not try to get rid of it.  You can buy these small test kits at your pet store, and they are always handy to have.  They should be number one in your fish cabinet.  Check your water, and if you do have ammonia, or nitrites, do 25% water changes everyday until you get your water chemistry right.  Once you water has cycled, and is free of ammonia, nitrites, you must do 25% water changes every week, using a good water conditioner.  Stress Coat, AquaPlus, Prime, and Amquel+ are all good to add when doing water changes.
I hope this helps.