Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > there is something very wrong with my betta

there is something very wrong with my betta

23 13:57:43

I have had my Betta, Joseppi for almost 5 yrs now.  He has always been healthy, and out of nowhere he has developed and swollen stomach.  I figured he was constipated so I have no fed him in 3 days-- he is now laying upright instead of slightly sideways.  I have tried to feed him a pea and he wont even go near it.  I have also done epsom salt baths.  I have left the bottom bare to see if he has had any bowel movements and still none.  I am afraid if I dont feed him soon, he'll starve.  What else can i do to get him to go, like if there is any meds? My friend suggested putting pea juice in his water, that way some will get him???

Thanks :o)  Any info is appreciated

Hello Ryann,
If you are not overfeeding him, his stomach should no longer be swollen, especially if he has eaten any of that small amount of crushed, deshelled pea - because it helps aid in digestion. The other possibility s that he has dropsy, which is generally fatal, but can be treated with tetracycline. In the last stages of dropsy, the liquid in the fish pushes out so far that the scales stick out and the fish looks similar to a pine cone. If he reaches this stage, he will probably not make it. Try typing "sick fish" in a search engine and comparing pictures of fish wish dropsy to yours and see if you believe this is the case. If so, start treating with tetracycline right away, and begin doing small, frequent water changes. Fresh, clean, water is the best medication for any fish.