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Red Oscar and Cichlid

23 15:00:38

I have these above fishes and I'm just dying to know what kind of food interests them? I've purchased sinking pellets, flakes, u name it... I'm sure I've confused the heck outta them, cause I nvr see them eat anything(I know its good to keep their food consistent too). Should I just get live crickets? or what do u reccmnd pls?


Hi Joey,
  In the wild, oscars basically eat other fish.  However, in an aquarium, I DO NOT recommend feeding them feeder goldfish. Feeder goldfish are notorious for carrying all sorts of diseases and I can't tell you how many people email me because their oscar got sick (and died) from eating goldfish.  So don't do that.   The best food would be sinking fish pellets or cichlid sticks.  I feed my large cichlids with TetraCichlid sticks.  It will take a while for your fish to get used to them. That's okay.  Give them a few sticks and eventually when they get hungry enough, they will eat the sticks.  Do not let uneaten food pile up in the tank.  That is much worse than no food.

 By the way, live crickets are a great supplement for oscars.

-- Ron
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