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2 dead fish 1 live fish

23 14:22:04

2 of our Batas have died and i don't know why. we have on other fish and it is still alive and happy. they don't share the same tank, but the 2 dead ones died on the same day, which is what made me wonder. i got a look at 1 of them, it looked like the fins had ben nibbled on but theres nothing there to nibble on it and there was allot of food left in its tank. the other 1 all i know is that it had a dirty tank. i was wondering if i should be too worried about our 1 live fish or not, and what caused this.

Yvette,                                                      How big are these tanks and are you cleaning them regularly. These fish do not need an ecosystem to survive and should be cleaned regularly. You should never over feed them. It builds up ammonia in their tanks which can eat their fins. Also though they do not need a heater but, if they get too cold they can get split fin.They need to be no lower than 72 degrees. Very strange they died at the same time which leads me to believe it might be temprature.Though like I said regular cleanings are necessary. Feed betta bits they mostly float and you can watch them eat and adjust accordingly. You should be feeding once in the morning and once in the early evening. Anyway,clean your tank for the little guy that is still with you kiddo , and get some Melafix, it is an all natural braod spectrum antibiotic. This will prevent him from getting an infection from the injuries he has. Leave the medication in there for a week and then change the water. Good Luck , Tina