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Guppie breeding in comunity tank.

23 11:07:20

Hi, Again.

I have a 20 gallon tank, which has 27 guppies, 10 platies,2 peppered cory's,a pleco and khuli loaches. I know it sounds a little bit crowded but im saving for a bigger tank.I want to know how i can insure that my platy and guppie fry will survive in the community tank?.The tank is almost completly closed with plants(i can rearly see the bottom). Is there anything i can do to insure some fry survival rate??
I hope you can answer my question, i know youre answer is just your opinion,but it still helps.


Your tank is grossly over populated. As for the survival of the fry, you can put them in a net breeder until they are big enough to not become dinner. Having all the plants in there will also help. I would wait until the tank is the right size for that amount of fish before you try adding anymore to it.