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Betta has a swollen black/red lower lip.

23 11:42:35


Swollen Lip.
My female betta has a swollen red and black lower lip. I'm guessing it's from rubbing her lips too much on the glass. There was a male betta right next to her tank that was getting her excited and always bumping into the glass with her lips. I've put a paper barrier so that they won't be able to see each other anymore. Is it possible for a fish to get a blistering sore like that? Or do you believe it may be due to cottonmouth or a fungal mouth disease?

Hi Julie,
Poor little betta.  It is not good to let Bettas see each other.  It stresses them, and stress causes disease.  Bettas should never see each other.  For now do a water change.  You did not mention the size of her tank, but if it is small, change all the water using a good water conditioner such as stress coat.  Buy "Betta Fix" and add the recommended dose. Depending on the size of her tank add one teaspoon diluted aquarium salt to five gallons of water ...calculate the right amount of salt for the size of her tank.  When bettas are stressed, they can catch any disease, it may be the rubbing on the glass, and eventually turned into fungus.  Watch her carefully, buy the medication as soon as you can.  Do not wait.  Do water changes every second day, and keep me posted on how she is doing.
I hope she gets better soon.