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Is my betta mad?

23 14:38:18

When I walk in the room my Betta opens his cheek gills at me. Is he mad at me? I have gotten two more Bettas since I have had him, but he doesn't know that they are there. Also, is it normal for my Bettas not to eat the pellet food, but only freeze dried blood worms and sun dries shrimp. Because that is all they will eat. If I put the pellets in they just sit there until they fall to the bottom of the tank.

Thank You Very Much...

Hello Sara-

You're betta isn't angry, he's just making sure you know he's the boss. :) I have one just like that - Every time he sees me, out come the flaps. He's upset that I'm in "his territory." Silly little guy!

A lot of bettas get spoiled once they taste "real" food, and it's fine to feed them these things, as long as you fast them one day each week (to prevent air from building up in his stomach.)

Hope this is useful,
Amber Worman