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Fantails in pond?

23 14:36:21

Would a pond in a moderate climate be a good habitat for fantail goldfish?  What about plecostmus?

Thank you.

Hey Vicki,

Goldfish no matter what the type, are a cold water fish. As long as the water does not exceed 75*f, the fish will do quite well. The idea range is around 65*f, year round. If you provide shade during the summer's relenting heat, and a little bit of warming light during the dark winter months, and the pond does not ever freeze (or get too toasty!) the goldfish will do fine. However, you might want to look into a butterfly koi, or other fancy koi. They typically live much, much longer and get to be of considerable size. They're generally more colorful and active too! As for a pleco, they typically like a warmer water then a pond. As long as the pond stays (year round) in the 68*f-78*f range, a pleco will survive. Just be sure there are rocks, wood, and plants for him to swim in, suck on, and hide in. Keep the pond's pH around 7.0 as well! Outdoor ponds can be a bit difficult to tend, due to winds and animals coming for a drink! beware of the north American raccoons! They're a sucker for goldfish!