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my beta is dying?

23 11:29:24

  I recently have taken possession of my 5 year old sons beta. Kid liked him for a day and then forgot about him and his mother cared little less. It's to late i think. His back is crooked and he is floating on his side at the bottom, seeming to be gasping for air. I keep his little tank {9 inch by 4 inch]. It is to hard for me to see bruce like this. He seems to have a seizure once in a while. I want to sprinkle some morphine in so he can die in peace. What do i do?

Hi Mike,
 Unfortunately it doesn't sound too good for the betta.  There really isn't much that you can do for him once he gets that way.  Probably the most humane way to let him die is to put him in a bag in the freezer.

-- Ron C.
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