Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my new pet oscar

my new pet oscar

23 11:46:40

QUESTION: Hi, I need some anwsers about my oscar.1, he's got a bump on his chin can someone tell me what it is? 2, what can I do for his scars? 3, why does he stay near the front of the tank? 4, why did he learn to eat from my hand so quickly? Thank you for your help.

ANSWER: Hi Matt,
 Without seeing the fish it is hard to say about #1, but it could be the result of banging into things (e.g., the front glass??).  As for the scars, there is nothing you can do.  If they can heal, they will do so on their own.  
#3: he is watching what is going on outside of his tank. Oscars often do this.
#4. because that is where the food comes from. He is highly motivated.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the info but i got more questions. 1,is it normal for Oscars to feed on the bottom if there is food at the top of the tank? 2,how cud a fish turn a filter off? 3,why do my tinfoil barbs keep on bullying my catfish?and thanks for helping

Hi Matt,
 1. yes, an oscar can feed anywhere in the tank
 2.  I don't know; it depends on what kind of filter you have.
 3.  Many fish, including barbs, can be aggressive if they feel that another fish is "in their space"

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>