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what fish would you recommend for a begginer fish person

23 11:46:40

QUESTION: I want to get a red cap goldfish but I don't know what size tank to get. I have read online that red caps need 30+ gallon sized tank. However all I want buy is a 20 gallon tank because thats all I am allowed to have in my room. So my question is what sized tank should I get for a red cap goldfish? I also would like to know what kind of filter you would recommenced for my new tank. Anything else you could tell me about keeping a red cap healthy would be great. Such as....should there be a light in the tank? What do I feed it? Do I need a heater? Things like that. Thank you so much...I will look forward to receiving your response.

ANSWER: Hi Sean,
  Unfortunately I know very little about goldfish. In general I do not recommend keeping them.  If the maximum size tank you can get is a 20 gallon, you should strongly consider other smaller fishes, like tetras and corydoras catfishes, etc.   There are hundreds to choose from.  I suggest you check out what fishes are available at a good local fish store, i.e., not Walmart, and then do a little research on those fishes before choosing what fish to keep.  It is always better to plan first before you get fish.

 For all tropical fish, you absolutely must have a heater in the tank.  [Goldfish are not tropical, so they sometimes do okay without a heater]
The light over the tank is really just for you to see the fish; the fish by and large couldn't care less.  

-- Ron
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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, it Sean again. What kind of tropical fish would you get if you were new to fish like I am? I had guppies for a couple of months but they died which made me get discouraged. I just wanted a red cap goldfish because I know that I would be willing to keep up with the work and they are very pretty fish. So, here is my question to you.....since you said that you don't know much about goldfish, what fish would you keep in a 20 gallon tank. I want nice looking fish and a school of them would be nice. Can you please just give me instructions on how to care for a type of fish that you like and would think that I would like also. Just please tell me how to care for whatever fish that you specialize in. Thank  you so much...

Hi Sean,
 If you want a school of fish, then you should get tetras.  Maybe get a school of 6 or 8 tetras -- there are many species to choose from -- and get some corydoras catfish that will live on the bottom.   

  The key to any fish tank is regular partial water changes.  You need to be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week, to keep the fish happy and healthy.  That is the most important thing.

-- Ron
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