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goldust molly

23 11:42:31

I have two Goldust Mollies, male and female, and the female molly is very round. The male also follows her around the tank and I was wondering if she was pregnant or/and when to put her in a breeder tank? Thanks if you can help!

Hi Ryan

I pulled your question from our question pool. I apologize for the delay in getting an answer to you.

It is possible she is pregnant. If she is, you don't want to put her in a breeder tank. This tank should be for the babies. Placing the female in a breeder tank will stress her out and she will likely abort the birth. Allow her to give birth in the main tank. Provide floating plants and hiding places for the fry, and put them in the breeder tank as soon as you notice them. Make sure the temperature in the breeder tank is the same temp as in the main tank.

Hope this helps, good luck!
