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I have a betta fish that has...

23 15:09:10

I have a betta fish that has stop eating and is on its side. He ahs been like this for 3 weeks. He has front hanging fins and his side fins are turning dark. I have tried feeding him peas but is not eating. Any suggestions?

Hi Rich;

Try a pinch of epsom salts in his bowl. If it is caused by bloating, the epsom may be able to help him "go". Make sure the water temperature is at least 78 degrees fahrenheit. Even 82 isn't too warm. Bettas are tropical and need water this warm, especially if they are ill. Their immune systems are boosted and their metabolism improves.

Put the betta tank in the warmest place in your house. Change his water at least twice a week, using a good water conditioner every time. The clean water helps him feel better too.

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Chris Robbins

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