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Jonah betta fish

23 14:37:06

Hi Chris. Jonah is still alive. I've been treating him with Maracyn Two for the last 4 days. He has some sort of swimbladder disease. He is moving a little more, not much. He is at about 78-80 degrees. I did a partial water change yesterday. He's in a 2 1/2 gallon tank. Have you ever heard of a betta recovering from this? I'm discouraged and feel so sorry for him. Is it okay to feed him now? He's been sick for about 10 days. Should I consider euthanizing him?  :o(  We have had him over two years now.

Hi Debbie;

A 'little more' movement is improvement! It is possible for him to recover, absolutely. It just takes time. You can feed him now, but make it only cooked and peeled peas. Take a tiny bit and put it on the end of a toothpick so he can get it before it drops to the bottom of the tank. Once he starts doing better and has normal bowel movements, you can give him a little bit of his regular food again.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins