Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > how ro determine sex of a flower horn?

how ro determine sex of a flower horn?

23 11:18:17

Hello Sir,
my query is how to determine the sex of a flower horn?
they say that generally flower horn females have a black mark on the dorsal fin,is that true?
my fish has a black mark on the dorsal fin,so is mine a female?
hope to see you reply soon.
thank you.

Hi Abhishek,
 The black mark does not work reliably for flowerhorns.  It will be true in some cases,
but not true in others.  There are no 100% sure ways to tell the sexes in flowerhorns other
than to actually see which one lays eggs.  In general, males are larger and carry their weight
more in the chest. Females are a little smaller and carry their weight more in the belly. The
difference is subtle but noticeable, but only if you have seen lots and lots (hundreds) of these

-- Ron C.
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