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Betta tankmates

23 14:21:58

I got a male Betta fish a couple of months ago, and he lives in a 1.5 gallon tank with a carbon filter. I really want to get another fish for my tank, but I am not sure of what type.I was thinking about an algae eater but I am worried my tank is too small.

A 1.5 tank is too small for multiple fish. Your Betta would probably take out his anger at whatever you put in there, especially because the new fish wouldn't have any place to hide. If you want to start a social aquarium with a Betta I'd suggest a 5 gallon tank. Some good tank mates include:

Tetras, Rasboras, Angelfish, Placos, Corydoras, or African Dwarf Frogs. Snails and shrimp will get eaten, however Betta's  do enjoy munching on an occasional Ghost Shrimp.

Basically, its all going to depend on your Betta. He might not want anyone in his precious space. If you do decide to go ahead and build a social aquarium, don't add all your fish at once, do it slowly over a few days to let your Betta adjust. If he shows hostility to his new tank mates then remove them.