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koi fish

23 11:14:04

I have a few coy fish and have seen them spawn before, but this time one out of 4 look really really full of eggs. She looks like she is going to burst! The other 3 females look normal. They do not look like they are in the mood or going to spawn any time soon, what will happen to her?


 If there is no male in the tank with them, then she will absorb the eggs. Some Koi breeders will fast the females in the colder part of the season. Fasting period depends on the feeding schedule, but most will fast for a bout 6 weeks. She will not burst, thankfully, but just keep an eye on her. If there is a male or males with her then they will spawn when the time is right. If she is huge then spawning might happen any time now. Good luck, hope it all works out.