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Thank you from the Oscar that wasnt eating

23 15:06:08

Hi Chris, this is Becky with the Oscar that wasn't eating. I changed his water every day for a week and he has starting eating again. I'm still not sure what was wrong, and I still seem to have high ammonia numbers, but I wonder if the Stress Coat water conditioner is impacting the results. I'm changing about 25% of the water twice a week.

Anyway, he's not eating as much as he used to, but he is eating!

Thank you so much for all of your help! One more question, you had said not to clean the media too often, which I now understand. The directions on the carbon and the ammonia stones (these are for the Fluval 304) say to replace them every month. Should I just rinse one of them a month, alternating months, and replace every 6 months?

Hi Becky;

I am so glad he is feeling better!

The stress coat wouldn't bother the ammonia results. If you have ever used a product that you add to the water to remove ammonia it can affect tests though. Ammonia stones will not though, just the liquid stuff like Ammo-lock.

New carbon and ammonia stones do all the work they are going to do in about a week. After that their microscopic pores are full and they can't do anything more. I don't even use them anymore because with proper maintenance they really aren't needed. I use other things in their place like more foam, ceramic bio beads, or whatever will be a good place for beneficial bacteria to grow. It is a much better use of the space in my opinion. The companies that make carbon and ammonia inserts for filters depend on your repeat business to make them money. They are in business to make money so that's what it does for them. Nothing wrong with making money, but I don't want to see anyone fooled into spending money they don't need to spend.

There have been times that I use carbon in my filters, but it has been a long while since my tanks have needed it. Carbon is useful in removing old medicine that leaves color, or if there is drifwood leaving a yellowish color. But again, in a well maintained tank these things are not likely to happen. Preventive maintenance is really important for good health in the fish as well as the tank and it's filter system.

Keep up the good work!

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Chris Robbins

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