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Betta has hole in the head

23 14:48:22

My beautifull bettea has hole in the head parisite and I have took him out of the tank that has other fish in it.  If I treat him with (General Cure) name of medicine in a tank that has no filter will it take to much of the oxygen out of the water and sufficate him.

Hi Tonya,
 I find it really unlikely that your betta has hole in the head disease. I have NEVER heard of a betta getting that.  It is very possible that your betta has an injury on its head, but not hole in the head.  Most likely he has been fighting or was attacked by another fish.

 The best way to deal with that is to put him in his own tank and leave him alone for awhile. I do not suggest putting in General Cure to treat him, it will likely do more harm than good.

-- Ron
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