Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Female betta and her eggs

Female betta and her eggs

23 11:37:30

QUESTION: Hi Lynda, if I use a purified water enriched with minerals, would that be good in your book?  I just hate the tap water here.  Even without chlorine, I suspect it...

ANSWER: Hi Liane,
Tap water is best, but always use a good water conditioner.  Fish find in tap water what they find in the lakes, and rivers they live in.  They are much happier in tap water.  I do not know what you think is wrong with your tap water, but surely it must be tested, and if people drink it, then it is good enough for fish.  Stress Coat or AquaPlus are two good water conditioners, and you should have no problems when changing their water.  Do this slowly.  In my book, tap water will always be best because it has everything fish need to survive, and be happy.  Bottled water does not have what tap water has, even if they do say it is inriched with minerals.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Lynda, I forgot to ask you this, since my girl betta developed her eggs literally overnight when I first brought her and the male home almost 2 weeks ago...he passed away 1 week later(you might remember)
how long is it normal for her to hold her eggs before she drops them?  I cleared a spot on the bottom of her tank so she can drop 'em and eat 'em if she wants, but she hasn't yet..I'm wondering if she is waiting for the male to come back.  Is  there anything I can do to help her drop them?

Hi Liane,
All females will drop their eggs when the time comes.   You will know when she has a white spot near he anal fin, and her tummy is round that she has eggs.  She will eventually drop them anywhere in a tank, and she has no preference where to let them drop.  She needs space to swim, warm water (80-82 degrees) and a little diluted aquarium salt in her water.  We cannot know for sure when she will drop her eggs again.  She is not waiting for the male to come back, she has long forgotten him.  There is nothing we can do to help her drop her eggs, she will do this whenever she is ready.