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23 14:24:35

I bought 3 fantails last week. They are in a three gallon tank. They have rotten fins and they dont swim around much. One of them has red patches and does not eat when I feed them.

Hi Marco;

Poor guys. They need help right away. The tank is just far too small for them. Waste toxins are burning them and making them sick. Change all the water in the tank every day to relieve their suffering and shop for a bigger tank. A 3 gallon is actually only suitable for smaller fish such as a betta, cory cat, danios or a couple of guppies. Each goldfish needs ten gallons so shop for at least a 30 gallon with a power filter. Goldfish are very messy and get very large. Here is a good web page about goldfish and their needs;

I hope they feel better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins