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Beta Fish

23 11:01:34

My beta is about 1 year and 4 month old. I had him in a gallon size glass bowl the water temperature is about 55 degress. I have my air conditioner in the room set at 76 degrees. I was told by two different pet store that it was fine. I used spring water to change the water every other day as it gets a film on top. For the past 2 months he has been very sluggish and floats to the top and stands there floating to the side. It seems his balance if off. He rarely eats. I have to touch him to get him to move and drop the food directly in front of him to eat.  I read that i can give him maracy 2. Is this an antibiotic? Where can i find it. The PH of the water is 76 is the ok? Thank you

Betta's are tropical fish and 55 degrees is way too low. His water needs to be between 80 and 82 degrees at all times. He also needs to be put in a bigger home. One gallon is not big enough for any type of fish. The minimum size tank for one male Betta is 2.5 gallons, where a 5 gallon is best. There is no heater that will work in that small size tank. If you buy him the right size home and add a heater you will see a huge change in him. That is my suggestion. Do not put any medication in his tank because the only thing that will help is a larger tank and a heater.