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my Flower Horn got scraped. what to do? please reply.

23 13:55:37

hello! i'm a newbie in having a FH. I have a 5" 3" and a fry Flower horn.
I have a 4ft x 131/2in x 19in tank.I have this clay pot in my tank.My FH got a little bit aggressive he/she scraped his plum on the pot. it not that big, but it has something like scraped skin. I am worried maybe it will be infected. what will I do?
and btw, my tank has a divider for the two FH the 5" and 3". is it ok? they will not get stressed?

Hi Jpeez,
 You don't need to do anything.  In most cases, the scrape will heal by itself in a few days.  This is a normal thing for cichlids to do.

-- Ron
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