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Betta fish digging gravel

23 14:07:13

I have recently decided to care for a beautiful male betta. However, it has been several years since I've had fish. I have noticed he likes to go down to the gravel and dig around a bit. Is he hungry and looking for food? I don't want to overfeed him but I am not sure how much is enough. The man in the pet store said only 3 times a week but the food I purchased says 2-4 pellets 3-4 times per day. Can you please offer your opinion? Thank you.

Hello Shawna,
Betta Splendens need to eat everyday, just like all other fish. There are many misconceptions about bettas, like the man at the store seemed to have, because they are such hearty fish and can endure quite a bit of mistreatment (usually not on purpose). I feed mine no more than 4 pellets each day, and also offer bloodworms as treats on occasion (two or three times a week).
Make sure his water is between 75-85 degrees F, and that you are using tap water dechlorinator. All should be well. :)