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Chichlid Question

23 15:00:22

Hi, thanks for replying to my question about my Jack Dempsey.

I have one more question about my 8inch Jack Dempsey, and the question is what other kind of fish can I put with this monster. I would like to see at least two fishes in my tank even though he looks content on being alone.
I mean is there any kind of fish that can stand up to my Jack.
Would a female Jack Dempsey work? Please Help!!!



Hi Garfield,
 The answer depends a lot on the size of the tank.  If it is anything smaller than about a 70 gallon tank, the answer is basically "nothing".  Even with a larger tank, if that Jack Dempsey figures that the whole thing is his territory, then it is his and any other fish you put in is going to have to fight for its life.   

 A female Jack Dempsey is a real gamble. If they like each other instantly, then things could go well.  But if they don't, he will likely kill the female in a short period of time (hours or days).  

-- Ron
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