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oscar has bloody tissue in one eye

23 11:26:00

Hi I have an 8 year old Oscar.  He is in a 50 gallon tank with an angelfish and a crayfish.  The water is good.  A few months back he got hole in the head so I started changing 25% of the water and vacuuming the gravel once a week.  he began to feel better and was getting active again but now I have noticed the last week or so that he has bloody tissue in his right eye.  He had problems with that eye when he was three and never had good sight on that side but this blood is scaring me.  I don't know what to do to help him and now the eye is beginning to swell.  Is this pop eye?  he is still active and eating normally and other then the eye he seems to act normal for who he is.  Thank you for your time.

Hi Twyla,
 That is a tough one.  There are many possible causes for a bad eye.  The most likely is that he accidentally bashed it on something. The treatment for that is to just give him time to heal.   

 "Pop eye" is not a specific disease, rather it is just a description of a symptom.  Many, many things can cause a swollen eye.  

 You should continue with the 25% a week water changes.

-- Ron C.
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