Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Swollen Dwarf Gourami

Swollen Dwarf Gourami

23 14:46:31

Hi Amber,

I have a dwarf gourami, a male I believe, just today I've noticed that his
abs getting realy big as if it was pregnant ! .. he is still eating but much
less active .. any suggestions on what he might be at and the proper



Hello Adel-

Sounds like your gourami may be bloated/constipated.
Try fasting him for a few days (4-5 should be fine.) During the fast, feed him one pea every other day. Squeeze it out of the shell and offer it to him. If he refuses to eat, continue fasting him, but wait a day before offering the pea.

This strategy should clean out his digestive system and hopefully return his belly to normal. If he is still bloated up, but not displaying any other symptoms, chances are he is just growing and not sick.

Hope this is useful,
Amber Worman