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Gourami Kissing Fish Eggs....

23 14:46:32

   My question is to do with the Pink Kissing Fish also known as Pink Gourami. I have two Pink Kissing Fish and two albino frogs and also two South American Chicilids. They are all in a 20 gallon tank with a nice size filter, one large live plant, one fake plant, one plant that once was just a bulb and is small in size but slowly developing, and a rock window.
     Recently about a month ago, I didn't notice any eggs or anything in the tank. I came home from work and seen at least 50 baby fish swimming in the tank. (At that time I had more fish such as bala sharks, but died don't know why or how but they looked like they had breathing problems or something.)After noticing the baby fish I put them in the breeder but weren't there long. They died.
      Tonight I noticed eggs everywhere stuck to the gravel in the tank and was basically wondering what I should do with the eggs. I removed as many as I can and put them in a breeder but are they fertilized eggs? I have recently read articles stating that once they are fertilized they will float. I am really confused and hope that I am doing the correct thing by transferring them from the tank to the breeder away from the other fish.
    I would really like to know at this point what I am doing. This is my first tank and these were the first fish i have picked out for the tank. I went through many fish but now am stuck trying to learn what to do with gourami eggs.
    I also have a second question in which regards to the albino frogs. Lately I noticed they had black spots on their toes. What do you think this is. I have been researching on both questions but feel as if i haven't received any answers. Can you please help?

Hi Dawn,
 You can tell if the eggs were fertilized if you see them getting dark inside -- that would be the developing embryo.  They would typically hatch in roughly 3 days or so depending on temperature.   

  When you say the eggs were stuck everywhere, could you describe that a little more please?  In other words, were they scattered such that the eggs were widely separated, one by one, or were they in a patch all together, or were there several patches?  

   Which kind of cichlid do you have in the tank?

   Unfortunately I can't help you with the frogs -- I've never kept them.  

-- Ron
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