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Fish Babies?!

23 15:03:22


I recently bought 2 gold twin bar, I and the bigger one always picked on the smaller one the smaller one had a big belly and then one day I found the smaller one dead I figured it was cuz he was always picked on so I flushed him, Then today I found three small tiny tiny yellow babies in the bottom on the tank hiding under some rocks. Im guessing that the fish that died was a female and was pregnant! Im wondering how could this be?
but what I really need to know is, do the babies need any special care?
a certain food ?
should I keep the tank light off will they be eaten by the other gold twin bar?
should I put them in a tank of thier own? It would be really hard to tho,
any infomation you could give me I would be grateful Thankyou. -Amelia Orlando

Hi Amelia;

Babies! Congratulations! The one with the big belly probably was a female and she died giving birth to them. It happens sometimes. She was also pretty stressed from being pregnant and being chansed all the time. It is very important to have 2 females per male with livebearers like your twin bar platies. The males want to breed all the time so with extra females it gives them a bit of a rest from the males.

Make a 25% water change in the tank at least once a week so they will grow fast. Once a week water changes are necessary for all fish of all ages anyway.

The babies don't really need special food. Just feed them the regular food crumbled up very small. Don't feed much or you will pollute the tank. Just a very small amount. Even if "Dad" eats some of that food too at least he won't be as hungry and won't be so inclined to eat the babies. Provide plenty of hiding places for the little guys and hopefully they will be fine. Live plants are the best because the babies will feed on the microrganisms on the plants, but fake ones are okay too.

Have fun with those little fellas!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins