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pelvic fin injury

23 15:03:22

I recently bought a baby severum chiclid, approx size 1-1.5 inches. I put her in a tank with another severum twice her size. During the first night she sustained an injury to her pelvic fins, one of the pelvic fins is almost gone.  I immediately seperated the two fish. The injured one appears to be a little better, she is eating, but hiding alot.  Will her pelvic fin grow back?  If not, what limitations will she have?  Thank you for your time

Hi Jerry,
 Whether the fin will grow back or not depends on how far down to the base it was bitten. If the bony elements are gone then it won't likely grow back properly.  If the "filmy" part of the fin is gone, that grows back quite quickly and easily.  
In the worst case where the bone is completely gone and the fin doesn't grow back completely the fish will still be fine in the long run and this shouldn't have any significant limitations for her.  

-- Ron
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