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how to handle betta

23 11:59:01

while cleaning up the tank n changing water how should a fish be handled to make the process least traumatic for him. my betta usually gets nervous swimming jerkishly n not eating for a day or two everytime i take it out to clean its space please help

Hi Swagatika,

You should never remove a fish from it's home to clean the tank.  This is so stressful for them.

The best method is to syphon the gravel with an aquarium hose into a bucket and discard, clean the walls with a magnet and replace with new, clean, conditioned water.  Make sure that the water is in the same temp as the old water.

You should only change about 25% of the water each 2-4 weeks, as long as you have a well established, healthy 5+ gallon tank.  Changing more also causes additional stress.  

I don't ever recommend keeping a betta in anything smaller than 5 gallons but if you don't have at least 5 gallons I would do routine maintenance once a week.

Good luck: ) April M.