Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Dying Angelfish

Dying Angelfish

23 13:55:52

Hello Chris Robbins,
I am at a loss over my freshwater Angelfish and Discus tank (eight quarter
size angelfish, one three inch discus). It is a 55 gallon and has been set up for
a number of months and is fully cycled. I vacume my tank weekly and remove
30-50% once of twice a week. I always keep my nitrate below 20 and the PH
is around 7.8, I know its high. I am contacting you because I have had major
angelfish losses lately. So far I have lost nine and counting. The problems
started when I brought home an angelfish from petco and without quarantine
put him into my tank, I know stupid. Well, now all of my angelfish are dying
without any signs of disease. This was not the case in the beginning, I saw
white patches like water spots on their bodies, not sprinkles like ick. I did
treat them with coppersafe and raised the temperature to 88 and in three
days the external signs disappeared. Then I lowered the temp to 84. I am
treating with aquarium salt (one tablespoon per five gallons), melafix and
coppersafe. My fish are still dying with no apparent cause. They will hang out
at the top (no ammonia in the tank), stop eating and get swimbaldder and
die. I am not overfeeding and I presoak all of my food! I think there must be
some virus, internal bacteria, fungus or internal parasite. Also my discus is
not eating (going on for one month) although my angelfish are until they are
about to die within a day. I also treated with parasite clear by jungle with no
effect. Should I just give up, because that is how I feel. Can you help me, no
one at the petstore is helpful?

Hi Heather;

That doesn't sound good at all. There is a disease known as "Discus Flu" or "Discus Plague". It is a very serious disease that affects angels as well. It is thought to be a virus and your fish seem to have some of the symptoms. Here is a forum post that gives more details and possible treatment options;

Good luck, and I hope I'm wrong on this one...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins